Pa_ppx Documentation

This is the documentation for the pa_ppx project, a re-implementation of many “standard” PPX rewriters, but using Camlp5 infrastructure.

You can learn more about pa_ppx at Introduction but quickly, pa_ppx provides implementations of

  1. all of ppx_deriving: pa_ppx.deriving_plugins.{enum,eq,fold,iter,make,map,ord,show}
  2. ppx_import: pa_ppx.import
  3. ppx_deriving_yojson: pa_ppx.deriving_plugins.yojson
  4. ppx_sexp_conv: pa_ppx.deriving_plugins.sexp
  5. ppx_inline_test: pa_ppx.inline_test
  6. ppx_expect_test: pa_ppx.expect_test
  7. ppx_assert: pa_ppx.assert
  8. ppx_here:

and a few other experimental PPX rewriters. For many of the re-implementations, there are extensions beyond what the original implementation provided (e.g. support everywhere possible, for extensible variants and exceptions, better type-import suppor). All of this is built on an infrastructure for writing PPX rewriters, based on Camlp5.

Rationale for pa_ppx

One can think of this project as an experiment to prove the following thesis:

To build an effective and usable macro-preprocessor system for a language with the rich and complex AST structure of Ocaml, one needs to provide facilities for manipulating the AST using the surface syntax, not merely the syntax of data-types in the language; this requires both patterns and expressions freely usable in code (for matching and constructing AST fragments) with placeholders (anti-quotations) of all types, for binding sub-trees and introducing computed fragments, again of all types that appear in the AST. Contrast this with the approach of ppx_metaquot (project ppx_tools ) where anti-quotations are of only a small number of types.

A flexible and transparent mechanism for introducing rewriting code into the system is also necessary.

In this project, we’re trying to prove this thesis by using Camlp5: specifically its system of quotations and antiquotations for patterns and expressions, as well as extensible functions as the chief mechanism for introducing new rewriters into the system.

The transparency and comprehensibility of the resulting examples, is a major point of the exercise. But also, I think that this approach produces more usable rewriters.